Peter Birch talking about Google Earth
He's talking about how to use Google Earth and time domain data to tell stories which is an interesting perspective on how people view data visualisation and from my hard science perspective wasn't really something that had occured to me...
Update: Like the previous speaker he's heavily pushing using KML to store your geo-data so it can be indexed and searched, and can you blame him? It also looks like he's doing what he promised and really gettting down and dirty with the XML, so I'm going to stop typing and listen to what he's saying...
Update: ...okay, I'm back. That was a really good walk thourgh of the features available in KML. He's closing out with some new features in KML 2.2, including photo overlays which is something I've been wanting to do for a while now...

The new photo overlay feature
Update: The session has been posted to YouTube...
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