Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Macintosh Plus

Today I went dumpster diving. The Physics Department where I work is having a major clearout and a lot of very outdated computer hardware has ended up in the skip. I ended up pulling an intact Apple Macintosh Plus out of the garbage, something I've been wanting to get my hands on for a while...

My "new" Apple Macintosh Plus

The Plus didn't have it's own hard drive, but it did have an Apple 25 pin SCSI connector to allow it to be connected to an external unit. While I came away with a lot of AppleTalk cabling and splitter boxes, and something that looks like it should be the external hard drive to go with this beast, I unfortunately didn't find the cabling to go with the drive.

At the moment I'm currently trying to track down a System 6 or 7 boot floppy to see if my find still works. I can certainly turn it on, and it makes all the right noises and displays the "where is my boot floopy" icon I was expecting. So I might actually have a fully functioning Mac Plus here!

Okay, so I'm a geek, but at least I'm a happy geek. If anyone knows where you can still source a SCSI to Ethernet adaptor I'm certainly in the market for one...

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