A local friend of Frossie's drove myself, herself and Kynan out of town into the Columbia River Gorge region where we stopped to see Multnomah Falls.

Multnohmah Falls in Oregon
The water plunges 542 ft in the upper falls into a pool, before it drops another 69ft into the river below. Very impressive, and well worth the trip out to see it.
Returning to Portland, it was time to pay a final call to Powell's.
For those of you not familiar with Powell's it's one of the world's great (in almost every sense of the word) bookstores, with seven stores in the Portland metro area. The largest, the City of Books, is the largest used and new bookstore in the world and takes up an entire city block. I was good and only bought some second hand paper backs, titles I'd been wanting for a while but couldn't track down, Frossie was somewhat less restrained...